Monday, May 18, 2009


Today was a slow day, so I took some time... And just thought. I love days like these. To just be able to sit back, and think about everything that is going on, everything that will go on, and everything that could go on, is good thing to be able to do. Though, you shouldn't overdo it, or so Lauren tells me :)

Life is weird. Especially now. Right now, summer is coming up, and I'll be working, I'm finding opportunities to work on films, I'm starting to consider some speaking opportunities, my feelings and emotions towards significant people in my life are changing, friends are changing, people I grew up playing with are getting married, and I'm trying to decide about countless things. Mainly, I just wonder what will happen? In a year, what will I be thinking, where will I be?

.......Do you take just think?........



Lins said...

um, how come you never told me that you still post on this? :'(

now that I know you are indeed alive, and not dead as I feared, I'll look forward to reading your blog. :)

Destiny said...

Isaac you haven't posted in forever! you need to post buddy! :)